
On the road again

You can only enjoy a comfortable life for so long in the West, especially as a person alone in this brutal world.

And one of the most ridiculous examples of a man-made hell on earth is the American supported apartheid Israeli Zionist occupation of Palestine. Since 1948, the founding of Israel, Tel Aviv has killed, expelled, hammered, stolen from, and waged war and war crimes on the native Palestinian people.

In the past few weeks, the Israeli military has gunned down dead more than 30 Palestinians and wounded more than 1,000 during mostly peaceful mass protests along the Gaza border, all the protests happening inside Palestinian land.

Israeli army snipers from a protected distance on their side of the border, shot down unarmed people like dogs. Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli PM, has once again proved his title as the Butcher of Gaza.

So maybe it’s time for Americans in Peoria, Topeka, Youngstown, and Omaha to better understand how their politicians are in thrawl to a racist Israeli lobby all too ready to shout anti-semitism whenever justified criticism comes their way.

Time for a lot more mainstream pushback in the name of basic human rights, if you ask me. Which means I’m back on the road ready to attempt to observe and witness exactly what is going on in Israeli occupied East Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza.

A few days ago, I attempted to enter Gaza through the Rafah checkpoint, but Egyptian authorities blocked all land traffic through the northern Sinai due to “terrorists”. Returning to Cairo, I flew to Amman and then holed up a few days in Irdib, Jordan. Heading to the occupied West Bank tomorrow for a transit to East Jerusalem.

While here in Jordan, I’ve visited the local Palestinian refugee district, considered the poorest and most crime ridden section of the metro region. I saw and felt no tension or craziness during my night-time visit when I spoke with young men at a modern clean coffee house about their situations. One man said he had been there for ten years with no real hope for a return to his homeland.